Team Flow
Team Flow Mind Snack Podcast
Getting expectations from your audience - Team Flow Mind Snack Podcast

Getting expectations from your audience - Team Flow Mind Snack Podcast

3 Tricks on how to get expectations

In this podcast, I talk about 3 tricks on how to get expectations:

  • get expectations after you connected the participants with each other and the topic of the session after you set expectations and gave them the context of why they are there, and what is the goal of the session; make sure to tell from the start when some expectations will not be met and offer what can be done about it

  • remember what each person said their expectation is and relate to them during the session; this feeds the basic psychological needs and pushes positive their relatedness, status and fairness buttons

  • come back to their expectations at the end and check with them


Team Flow
Team Flow Mind Snack Podcast
A mind snack of one of the newsletter topics explained in a deeper way through my facilitator eyes.