I am fascinated by how our brain works.
In the book “Your Brain At Work” by D. Rock, the author has a dedicated chapter about expectations and I wanted to bring only the main points here out of the book so that you get the crispy facts about them.
Crispy Facts About Expectations
Expectations are the experience of the brain paying attention to a possible reward (or threat).
Expectations alter the data your brain perceives.
It is common to fit incoming data into expectations and to ignore data that do not fit.
Expectations can change brain functioning; the right dose of expectations can be similar to a clinical dose of morphine.
Expectations activate the dopamine circuity, central to thinking and learning. The unexpected insight increases dopamine levels.
Met expectations generate a slight increase in dopamine and a slight reward response.
Exceeded expectations generate a substantial increase in dopamine, and a strong reward response.
Unmet expectations generate a large drop in dopamine levels and a strong threat response.
The dynamic between expectations altering experience and impacting dopamine levels helps generate an upward or downward spiral in the brain.
A general feeling of expecting good things generates a healthy level of dopamine and maybe the neurochemical marker of feeling happy.
Practical advice from Dr. D Rock to deal with your expectations
Practice noticing what your expectations are in any given situation.
Practice setting expectations a little lower.
To stay in a positive state of mind, find ways to keep coming out ahead of your expectations over and again, even in small ways.
When a positive expectation is not being met, practice reappraising the situation by remembering it is your brain doing something odd with dopamine.
I would add here to be aware of your feelings independent if the expectations are met or not and stay with them until you understand them.
Now what?
I invite you to a short reflection after reading these lines.
What are your thoughts after reading these facts?
So what are you doing with this information?
Now what is something you take with you out of this?
Bottom line
A general feeling of expecting good things generates a healthy level of dopamine and maybe the neurochemical marker of feeling happy.
I am inviting you to register for one of the brain-based trainings created for you!
Here you find more details about the session:
The Neuroscience Behind Facilitation
Dr. David Rock: “Your Brain at Work”