Do You Think At Feedback As Judgement?
How do you feel when someone asks if they can give you feedback?
You are in a situation when someone asks you if they can give you feedback. How do you react?
Most of the time, based on research made by the Neuroleadership Institute, people have a threat response to the above question.
Because some of them experienced situations like this which ended up bad for them. So they associate the feedback with a bad experience. They associate feedback with a threat. Feeling unsafe in a situation, they tend to run away and have resistance to it.
In some situations, they even close up, not hearing anymore what the other person wants to share.
This does not mean the other person has bad intentions. It is just the association created over the years in the brain.
So what?
So what to do with this information now that you are aware of it?
I will write more about solutions in the next newsletters.
For now, I would like to invite you to a reflection:
notice where are you open for feedback, and where are you responding to change
If you want, share this with me in the comments below.
Bottom lines:
We react to some situations based on associated emotions or behaviors from the past. It happens with feedback as well and depending on our experience with it, the word “feedback” can bring or not a threat response in our brain. Let’s notice this and reflect!
Book “Your Brain At Work” by Dr. D.Rock
Radio of Creativity: Finding the Frequency for Flow, Not Fear