3 Questions To Help Someone Arrive At Solving Mindset
How to help people going out of a (work) painful situation?
I have long lists of powerful questions and every time I find new ones, my lists increase.
Some time ago, I participated in an Emotional Intelligence NLP Training created by Radu Sofronea.
I made many notes and just extracted some of the most powerful questions I wrote down, applied already to myself and also to others in coaching sessions.
Now I would like to share them with you. The first part is about helping someone be aware of what is happening right now, and understand their own perspective on reality. The second part below is about helping the other person to switch to a solution mind.
3 questions to help someone arrive at solving mindset
Bottom lines:
These questions are helping someone to get from the problem to solutions and actions. It also helps to change perspectives and seek ways to go out of the painful situation, whatever that is.
Emotional Intelligence NLP Training created by Radu Sofronea
Neuromindfulness Coach program from Neuromindfulness Institute
The Power of Visualization: How Perception Shapes Our Reality
These are great questions. Thanks for sharing.
The first question is my favorite. Having an open mind to solve problems sounds simple but it is not always easy when emotions take over. Thanks.