3 Questions To Help Someone Be Aware Of Their Own Created Reality- Coming From NLP Coaching
How to help people going out of a (work) painful situation?
I have long lists of powerful questions and every time I find new ones, my lists increase.
Some time ago, I participated in an Emotional Intelligence NLP Training created by Radu Sofronea.
I made many notes and just extracted some of the most powerful questions I wrote down, applied already to myself and also to others in coaching sessions.
Now I would like to share them with you. This is the first part, about helping someone be aware of what happens right now, and understand their own perspective upon reality. The next newsletter will have a second part, about helping the other person to switch to a solutions mind.
3 questions to help someone be aware of their own created reality:
Bottom lines:
The self-reflection is sometimes not natural and we need someone to put questions so that they help us be aware of what happens in our brain, from where our behavior comes, and so on.
These questions are powerful enough to be used for this purpose. In the next newsletter, I will share other 3 questions that help to switch the mind from the problem to solutions and actions.
Emotional Intelligence NLP Training created by Radu Sofronea
Neuromindfulness Coach program from Neuromindfulness Institute
The Power of Visualization: How Perception Shapes Our Reality